Game Name Jump King
Genre Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer Nexile
Platform PC
Game Size 644 MB
Repack By GOG
Version g1.06 | Updated Version
Pre-Installed Game Yes

Jump King: Game Overview

Jump King is an exciting PC game that you can download and play for free. This game is pre-installed on SteamRiP and offers a unique platforming challenge. The game revolves around a solitary quest to reach the top in pursuit of the legendary Smoking Hot Babe. The journey to the top requires you to master the art of jumping. Remember, each fall is a lesson in itself, and the game auto-saves all your progress and falls.

The gameplay is tough but addictive. The higher you jump, the harder you fall, making it a thrilling experience. You can also challenge your friends to conquer this test of determination. The game promises hours of nail-biting suspense, keeping you on the edge of your seat.

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The second chapter of the game takes you on an intense journey to prove your worthiness of the title ‘Jump King’. The third chapter unfolds the mystery of the Ghost of the Babe in a legendary struggle. The desolate land beyond the Philosopher’s Forest presents an unfamiliar terrain. With only a faint ghostly presence left, the question arises – what are you jumping for? The game leaves you pondering, did you do it for her?

Gameplay Screenshots


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