The Oregon Trail
Genre Adventure, Casual
Developer Gameloft
Platform PC
Game Size 937 MB
Released By CODEX emu
Version Build 10028759 | Full Version
Pre-Installed Game Yes

The Oregon Trail: Game Overview

The Oregon Trail, developed by Gameloft, offers a fresh take on the classic journey to Oregon. This game is the official sequel to the worldwide hit, providing players with a range of thrilling adventures. These range from historically accurate scenarios to wildly imaginative ones. As a player, you get to choose your travel companions, load your wagon with essential supplies, and set off on an exciting journey filled with challenging decisions, unforeseen dangers, and surprising situations.

Survival is a key aspect of the game. You’ll have to overcome blizzards, treat broken limbs, survive snakebites, manage exhaustion, and avoid starvation. You’ll also have to deal with the infamous dysentery while guiding your party through the wild frontier to their new home in Oregon before winter sets in. The game also involves tracking down a lost party after a severe blizzard, transporting unstable gunpowder across scorching desert heat, participating in demanding hunting mini-games, and interacting with a wide range of historical characters.

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The game is designed with procedurally generated random events, where your choices impact your party and future game events. This ensures a unique adventure every time you play. Download The Oregon Trail for PC for free and embark on a journey filled with adventure and excitement.

Gameplay Screenshots


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